Custom made for big screens
Get the best worldwide streaming content without paying for cable
Go private in full HDPrivate and secure connection with fully encrypted traffic from your TV.
Buffer-free experienceSmooth connection to guarantee you get a 5 star experience.
Unlock geo-restricted contentConnect to any of our "Optimized for Streaming Servers" to unlock worldwide content.
Hassle-free integrationYou don't have to be a techie, VPNCity installation is hassle-free.
Install VPNCity on Android TV
Before installation, make sure your Android TV runs at least Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher.

1. Download VPNCity on your Android TVOpen Android TV Play Store on your TV, search for VPNCity and download the app.
2. Sign in to VPNCitySign in to your account or create one if you're new to VPNCity.
3. Connect to VPNCityClick the connect button on your TV app or pick your favourite server to enjoy worldwide streaming.